The derma cosmetics
capillus pro hair serum 60ml
Regular price
Rs. 700.00
Sale price
Rs. 810.00
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Capillus pro hair serum from bdr pharma is a novel formula for hair growth and all hair-related condition like thinning of hair, hair fall, hair loss in women, to increase hair volume.
Capillus pro hair serum uses
- Capillus pro hair serum used to make hair looks shinier and healthier
- Capillus pro hair serum enhances hair strength
- Capillus pro hair serum provides nutrition to microfollicle of hair
- it prevents hair fall and starts regrowth new hair
- Stimulates Micro Circulation, Stops Follicle Atrophy
- it stops Micro Inflammation Responsible For Hair Damage
HOW TO USE capillus pro Serum?
- TAKE 1ml or 5 spray serum and apply it to the entire scalp skin
- Massage well for 5 minutes
- Use 1 ml or 5 sprays for a minimum of 3 months to show good results
Capillus pro hair serum uses in hindi
- Capillus pro बालो के ग्रोथ को बढ़ाता है
- Capillus pro बालो में पोषक तत्व के द्वारा बालो को हेल्थी बनाता है
- Capillus pro बालो का गिरना रोकता है
- Capillus pro बालो का पतलापन से छुटकारा देता है
- Capillus pro
Capillus pro hair serum stops hair fall and promote regrowth of new hair